Thursday, February 26, 2015

Getting on the NaPro Bandwagon

Everything is in order and we are scheduled for our NaPro Intro Session in mid March, and I am excited ! (not so excited about the whole abstinence for a cycle thing, but honestly that should be cake in comparison to the amount of time we had to abstain during our pregnancy with Elisa, considering I was on bed rest for nearly all of it..sorry over share...)

I first came across NaPro from the wonderful women I follow here and it peaked my interest. Mr V and I have been using the sympto-thermal method of NFP for a long while now, but I had not heard of NaPro until I entered the Catholic infertility blogging world.  Once I found it, I was so interested to learn more about how it can help identify underlying health problems, or help with multiple losses.

So I started researching, and turns out there is a distance learning program for our area, and the Dr. associated with the program happens to only be about a 15 minute drive from our house!

I do have to say, I am a scientist at heart, I majored in Chemistry in college, and when Mr. V and I went to our first NFP class for sympto-thermal, I was a little skeptical.  But once I read the books and started charting my skepticism turned into more interest....I had a little epiphany...duh of course it works, it is going off biological markers for what the body naturally does...hormones (chemicals)....causing a reaction.....ending in a result that can be observed and recorded..... producing data... from which conclusions can be makes sense!!!

So when I found NaPro, using the charting information to make informed decisions about medical issues and fertility I was super interested.

I also am liking the fact that starting the NaPro courses now help me to feel like I am doing something productive.  I am a planner, and a task-doer by nature (one of those people who loves to make lists and cross things off of them...even sometimes putting things on the list that are already done, just to be able to cross some more things off....oh what satisfaction!)  But right now I feel like I am in a rut with achieving things.

We know we want to try again, but we can't for at least 6 months. Besides, I know I am not emotionally ready to try again, and won't be for some time.  But one of the hard things is that grief is a weird, non-linear thing, that I know I can't just "task list" my way through.  It will happen how it happens, on it's own timeline and it's own weird, sometimes backward course.

So I need something to be working toward that I can control, that will put me in a good place for whenever we are ready to try again.  What better thing to do than NaPro.  Well, I sure have talked it up a lot, I hope that it lives up to my expectations :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the wagon.. there are many of us on it.. I hope it is fruitful for you.
