Today when he got home from work Mr V brought a card and a gift from one of our coworkers (long story, but Mr V and I did not meet at work, however now, nearly 10 years after meeting, and 5 years of marriage, we work together at the same company).
Anyhoo, he brought this card and gift from one of our coworkers, who I have become very good friends with since I started at the company about 5 years ago. She has started her own jewelry business on the side of her day job and she made me this necklace.
It has both Luca and Elisa's birthstones and then a little engraving in the middle with each of their initials and a heart. What surprised me the most was I knew she knew about Luca, but I didn't realize she actually remembered her name, and when she was born. (I didn't often talk about Luca by name, especially at work, because she was such an early loss, I didn't know how people would take it. I didn't want to risk having my feelings hurt if they didn't understand that I consider her my baby girl. My experience of carrying Elisa to term despite her diagnosis has actually helped me talk about Luca more, but that's a post for another day)
So not only was it incredibly thoughtful that my friend made this for me, and I could tell the love that went in to hand making it, but also it meant the world to me that she remembered my girls by their "birth date" and their names. This friend is in her late 20s as well, and isn't married, and hasn't had a loss of a baby. She was someone that I wouldn't expect to understand (and I mean that in a kind way, not a judgey upset "you wouldn't understand" way, I don't expect anyone to get this unless they have experienced it). I have just been so amazed by the support and love that have come out of the woodwork, and how people have surprised me in how much they care about me, Mr. V and our girls.
Such a beautiful gift, from a very thoughtful friend.