Thursday, April 9, 2015

10 Years

Last week Mr V and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary of dating.  Looking back over the last 10 years, I can't believe what a journey it has been.

It was hard, looking back to how I thought this anniversary would be 9 months ago.  When we finally got pregnant, and had our positive test in July, we realized we would be welcoming out rainbow baby just one week after our 10 year anniversary.  We had hoped by year 10 we would have already had a child in our arms, if not two, but knowing we would be welcoming one just days after our anniversary was a such beautiful thought. Our rainbow would be born a week after our 10 year anniversary, and days after Easter.

Fast forward to where we are now, and my belly and our hearts are empty again.  Our little Elisa was not here with us on our Anniversary or Easter.

I am definitely not where I thought I would be 10 years ago but with all we have been through I am so grateful for Mr V.  I know I would not be able to make it through this without him. He is the reason I get up every morning and go through every day. He is my rock, my comfort, my hope.  We have been through more in these last 10 years than most couples endure in a lifetime and we remain strong in our love and support for one another.

10 years ago I had no idea that I would struggle with infertility, and lose two children.  I also had no idea that I was going on a first date with the man who would be my life partner, who would be by my side and endure all of these hard times with me. That the cute guy in choir with the gorgeous voice and contagious laugh would be my soul mate.

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