Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sharing our Story

Hi all. sorry I have been MIA in the blogging world for a little while.  A couple things have attributed to that. 

Partially it is due to the fact that we are coming up on Elisa's diagnosis day, and the holidays and things have just been hard.

Secondly is that after much though, I decided as part of October Pregnancy and Infant Loss awareness month, that I was going to be more open about my story.

Because of that, I decided to share my story, and feelings, with a lot of my family and friends, via a more public facing blog I started: adventureswithbabybeluga.blogspot.com

Now that I have that up and running, I will likely blog over there more often, so I wanted to let those of you who have been following me here, know.

Please feel free to check out my new blog. 

Love and prayers to you all